Cat Hair Structure, Types & More

There are six varieties of cat fur patterns. These are Tabby, Solid, Bicolor, Tricolor, Tortoiseshell, and Colorpoint.
Tabby cats have a distinctive pattern that includes stripes, swirls, or spots. The base color can vary, such as brown tabby, gray tabby, or orange tabby.

Cats with solid-colored fur have a uniform color throughout their entire body. Common solid colors include black, white, gray, orange, and brown.

Bicolor cats have two primary colors in their fur, often white combined with another color. The second color can appear in various patterns, such as spots, patches, or a specific distribution on the body.

Tricolor and Tortoiseshell
Tortoiseshell cats are characterized by a mixture of black and red (orange) fur. They can also be found with the ‘diluted’ colors cream and blue.
Tricolor (calico) cats also contain black and red (or cream and blue) but speckle in some white across their coats for good measure.

Colorpoints are gorgeous cats identified through the dark coloration on their faces, paws, and tails, contrasting the rest of their lighter-colored bodies. These types of markings are most commonly associated with Siamese cats but can also be seen in breeds such as Ragdoll and Himalayan.

Striped: Striped patterns, also known as tabby patterns, include vertical or circular stripes on the cat's fur. These stripes can be thick or thin and may have a variety of colors.
Spotted: Some cats have spots on their fur instead of stripes. These spots can be large or small, and they may be evenly distributed or concentrated in certain areas.
Ticked: Ticked patterns are characterized by individual hairs with alternating bands of light and dark colors. The overall effect is a speckled or salt-and-pepper appearance.
Marbled: Marbled patterns create a swirling or marbled effect on the cat's fur. The colors blend together in a unique and intricate pattern.
Pointed: Pointed patterns, commonly seen in Siamese cats, feature a lighter body color with darker colors on the ears, face, paws, and tail. This pattern is a result of temperature-sensitive pigmentation.
These various markings arise from the cat’s genetics, and the results can be stunning. Whether your feline is an ultra-rare blue Chartreux or a garden variety Tabby, all cats are gorgeous and hold a special place in our hearts.
That's it for this issue. Please continue to follow our blog for more knowledge about cat hair, human-pet relationship, care, etc.
Image Source:
[from the aumuca Photography Group | Internet]
Article reference source:
[1] Lee, S. (2023). Keeping Your Home Dry: A Cat Owner's Guide to Managing Feline Incontinence. Journal of Feline Behavior, 12(1), 55-69.
[2] Martinez, J. (2023). From Embarrassment to Empathy: Navigating the Challenges of Cats with Lack of Bladder Control. Journal of Feline Health, 10(2), 95-110.