Undercoat Rake Usage Skills | Steps | Note
Perfect for Most of Furry Pets:
Cat Breeds: Domestic Long Hair Cat, Maine Coon, Persian, Ragdoll, Siberian, Norwegian Forest Cat, Himalayan Cat, Turkish Angora, Birman, LaPerm, Somali Cat, Turkish Van and other medium or long haired cats. Others: small dogs with long hair, long-haired rabbit, ferrets, etc.

Notice:This cat undercoat rake may not suitable for some super short haired pet breeds like Abyssinian, Bengal, Oriental Shorthair, Tabby and so on.
Dealing with matted fur:
If you encounter matted fur during grooming, it's important to avoid using scissors to cut them out, as this can cause injuries. Follow these steps instead:
Use the end of a undercoat rake to gently pick at the mat and gradually loosen it from the fur.If your cat becomes agitated or starts struggling, pause the session and resume combing when they are calm and rested.Refrain from pulling or tugging at the mat. Continued gentle picking with the comb's end will eventually loosen the mat from the skin.